When Should Your Adult Children Consider Life Insurance?
They’ve left the nest, so is it time for them to get their own coverage?
When they’re just starting out, Life insurance may be the last thing on the minds of Gen Z young adults. They probably won’t start thinking about coverage until they hit major milestones like getting married, buying a home, or having a child.
Make sure they consider Life insurance too.
Gen Z is projected to be the most educated generation, with 59% pursuing higher education.2 As a result, student loan debt has become a major issue for many. If your adult children have student loan debt—particularly if you’ve co-signed their loans—they should have enough Life insurance to cover payments you might need to assume should something happen to them. If they can afford some coverage now—even if it’s just enough to cover their debt and final expenses—they’ll secure the best rates while they’re young and healthy.
Group Term Life insurance through this program is a great option for those just starting out. Unlike employer insurance, they can carry this coverage with them regardless of changes in their jobs or careers. Core Life with QuickDecision is annually-renewable Term Life insurance that doesn’t require a medical exam. Perfect for the young and healthy, the easy, online application requires some basic information and answers to a few health questions—and can provide an approval in as little as one day for coverage up to $500,000.3
Take the time to talk with your young, adult children about adding Life insurance to their list of financial priorities. It may not seem as exciting as cryptocurrency, but they will probably thank you later.
1 Certified Financial Planner Board, April 2022.
2 Ibid, Certified Financial Planner Board.
3 For those under age 50 applying for insurance amounts up to $250,000. For amounts greater than $250,00, you can apply online subject to a telephone interview and additional underwriting as needed. Not available in MT, NY, UT and VA, but other underwriting options are available.
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